Hey there, creepy crawlies! If you’re a fan of Letterkenny, you’re gonna love this wickedly cool surprise that came our way, courtesy of our amazing pals Justin and Julia 🥰. Ready for the juicy deets? Buckle up, because you’re in for a wild ride!
So, our friends Justin and Julia managed to snag a personal message from none other than Tyler Johnston, aka Stuart from Letterkenny – that’s right, the Sultan of the Skids himself! We’re talkin’ about a bonafide celebrity shoutout, and we couldn’t be more stoked about it!
In his message, Tyler wished us the happiest of holidays, which was all sorts of sweet. He even mentioned that we (the Cathouse crew) are clearly intelligent folks with great senses of humor – we mean, duh, but it’s nice to have it confirmed by a star, right?
But it gets better! Justin and Julia told Tyler that the Cathouse is THE place to be for parties and gatherings, and they can’t wait to join us for some post-pandemic hugs and shindigs. They even jokingly asked if Roach could guarantee some wild party ingredients (MDMA, DMT, PCP, LSD, and UFC, anyone?). Of course, we all know that the real party magic is in our killer community and spooky vibes!
Tyler also mentioned the new season of Letterkenny coming out soon, and we’re beyond excited to keep supporting their weird little Canadian show – it’s got a special place in our twisted hearts!
So, a massive thank you to Justin and Julia for this wicked surprise, and to Tyler Johnston for taking the time to send some love our way. You’ve got us all grinning like ghouls over here!
As we gear up for another wicked year at the Haunted Cathouse, we’re more inspired than ever to keep the good times rolling and our community thriving. Here’s to a simply wondrous 2021 and beyond, filled with more creepy adventures and devilish fun!
Big thanks again to Justin & Julia. Love you guys!!! 😻